Expression Session

GoddessofLibertyMG“Expression Session”

Over the years, I facilitated many children music circles and created expression sessions with the goal of Peace.  The sessions opened up with a short story to illustrate the power of music infused with love:

“The music comes from the love in your heart, flies out like a bird and travels, making the world a sweeter place.  Let’s send our music out into the world.”

The group sat in a circle with both hands on their hearts; the children with crossed thumbs opened their hands, flapped their fingers up and down in a bird flying fashion, and raised their arms and gaze to the sky. Then with full arms extension (like a sun salutation), circled their arms slowly to their sides.

Children improvised with percussion instruments, chanted into a large gathering drum, danced their silk fairies into sparkling, colorful light; each sound creation filled the world with spontaneous, creative free music infused with loving intention.  After the music-making activity, I invited the children to share their music journey.  Some children declared “I sent out my music to the ocean and all life in it.”  Others stated, to their pets, to the forest, to their grandmother in another country that was ill, and other caring declarations. One particular expression session at Camp Karole at the Jewish Center of The Hamptons, a child came forward and declared:

“I believe a sound will come in the future uniting all people”

This child’s vision for world peace inspired the realization that the clarion call sound has already been made and that permanent peace will one day reign free among all nations.

“All in One and One in All”